12 Recognized Signs Of Mental Health Issues You Need to Know

Signs of mental health issues

12 Common Signs and Symptoms of Mental Health Disorders

Persistent Sadness or Depression

1) Persistent Sadness or Depression

One of the most recognizable signs of a mental health disorder is ongoing sadness or a feeling of emptiness that lasts for weeks or months. While everyone feels down from time to time, depression is more than just feeling sad. To be more precise, it is a persistent feeling of despair that does not seem to lift. Therefore, if you or someone you know is struggling to find joy in life, experiencing frequent tearfulness, or feeling hopeless, it could be a sign of depression.

2) Excessive Worry or Anxiety

Worrying is a natural part of life, but when anxiety becomes overwhelming and uncontrollable, it may indicate an anxiety disorder. Common symptoms include excessive worrying about everyday situations, feeling restless or on edge, experiencing fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, or muscle tension. So, if anxiety is interfering with daily activities or relationships, it is important to seek help.

3) Social Withdrawal

Withdrawing from social activities, friends, and family can be an indication of various mental health disorders. More specifically, these disorders are depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. They feel overwhelmed by social interactions. As a result, people may isolate themselves. Or they might lose interest in things they once enjoyed. Therefore, social withdrawal is often a cry for help, indicating that someone is struggling internally.

Changes in Sleep Patterns

4) Changes in Sleep Patterns

Sleep is closely linked to mental health, and disturbances in sleep patterns are common among those with mental health disorders. This can manifest as insomnia (difficulty falling or staying asleep), hypersomnia (excessive sleeping), or frequent nightmares. In some cases, people may find themselves sleeping too much as a way to escape their problems. However, in other cases, people may struggle with racing thoughts that keep them awake.

5) Significant Changes in Appetite or Weight

An unexpected change in appetite or weight can be a warning for mental health problems. Some people may lose their appetite due to depression or anxiety. This can lead to weight loss. On the other hand, some may overeat as a way to cope with stress, resulting in weight gain. These changes are often accompanied by a lack of energy and motivation, making it hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

6) Unexplained Physical Symptoms

Mental health disorders often manifest in physical ways, leading to symptoms that do not have a clear medical cause. To be more specific, these symptoms can include headaches, stomachaches, chronic pain, or digestive issues. When physical symptoms persist despite medical treatment, it might be time to consider a mental health evaluation.

Mood Swings

7) Mood Swings

Each person has different moods at different times. However, a sudden change in it can be a sign of mental health disorder. After all, frequent mood swings, where emotions change rapidly from one extreme to another, can indicate a mental health disorder such as bipolar disorder. People may go from feeling euphoric and energetic to depressed and lethargic within a short period. These mood swings can be confounded and exhausting for the individual experiencing them and those around them.

8) Difficulty Concentrating

Struggling to focus, complete tasks, or remember details can be a symptom of mental health disarray. More precisely, these symptoms can lead to bigger issues, like depression, anxiety, or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It can affect work performance, academic achievements, and daily responsibilities. Ultimately, it leads to frustration and inadequacy.

9) Substance Abuse

Consuming drugs or alcohol as a way to cope with emotional and inner pain or stress is a common sign of an underlying mental health disorder. Substance abuse can exacerbate symptoms, leading to a dangerous cycle that’s hard to break. It’s important to recognize when substance use is becoming a problem and seek professional help.

Thoughts of Self-Harm or Suicide

10) Thoughts of Self-Harm or Suicide

One of the most serious signs of a mental health disorder is thinking about or planning self-harm or suicide. These thoughts should never be ignored, as they indicate deep distress. If you or someone you know is experiencing these thoughts, it is critical to seek immediate help from a mental health expert or emergency services.

11) Perfectionism

Perfectionism is another sign of mental health disorder, which is often overlooked. Instead, people often appreciate it and the person loves it, viewing it as an asset. However, perfectionistic behavior can lead to mental stress and more work burden. More specifically, perfectionists always worry about delivering the best output, whether their work performance or academic achievements. You can easily find out if you are a perfectionist or not by analyzing your eating habits and anxiety. If you are, stop pushing yourself too hard, always to give great work. It is sometimes okay to be average. 

12) Far-From-Reality Ideas 

When a person firmly believes things that do not make sense in reality, it is often referred to as delusion. Sometimes, the belief may be as simple as that the government is watching them to complex beliefs that they have superpowers.

Some Signs of Mental Health Illnesses in Children

Therefore, young children and adolescents may suffer from some mental illness, which can impact their development and communication skills. Here is a list of some common signs of mental disorders among children.

  • Frequent nightmares 
  • Frequent temper tantrums
  • Hyperactive behavior 
  • Excessive worry or anxiety, like fighting to avoid going to school or bed 
  • Defiantness or aggressiveness 
  • Intense sensitivity toward smells, sounds, and even physical
  • Changes in school performance 
  • Unusual behavioral change that seems out of character