Strength Training Program

Health Benefits of Strength Training

Many people associate the gym with toned bodies lifting massive weights. However, strength training also referred to as resistance training, has many advantages beyond appearances. It is essential to general health and strongly influences physical and mental well-being. This article explores the reasons why strength training is so important, various strength exercises, and how to…

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Causes of Bad Breathing

8 Effective Tips to Cure and Causes of Bad Breathing Issues

Bad breathing is a stubborn health issue commonly known as Halitosis. According to the survey reports, over 1000 million people worldwide suffer from bad breathing issues that impact their self-esteem and cause lots of discomfort. Individuals with this bad breathing issue often feel excessively conscious while interacting with others, affecting their self-confidence and social behaviors….

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Social Anxiety

What is Social Anxiety? Learn About Its Symptoms, Causes & Cure

Social anxiety is a person’s tendency to feel over-anxious in any social setup. People with social anxiety often experience immense discomfort in social events. It’s not just about feeling nervous or worried in a social situation. Beyond nervousness, social anxiety usually produces severe symptoms like rapid heartbeat, over-sweating, excessive headache, trembling, and dizziness.  A person…

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treatments for Obesity

What Are Some Effective Treatments for Obesity

Obesity is a serious health condition that impacts millions of people every year. This condition is primarily featured by extreme fat accumulation, affects metabolism and triggers many other health issues. According to health experts, Obesity often triggers severe health issues such as cardiovascular issues, Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure and even life-threatening diseases like…

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7 day GERD diet plan

What to Eat and What to Restrict: 7 day Gerd Diet Plan for You

Gerd stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. This chronic disease produces toxins and stomach acid directly flowing to the esophagus. Such a condition often causes excessive discomfort, like a painful sensation near the chest. It also causes trouble swallowing. Although some effective medicines are available to manage the symptoms of GERD, dietary and lifestyle changes can…

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