Sheila R.

Sheila is a creative content writer and publisher of The Smile Story. With experience working with various multispecialty clinics and hospitals, she is dynamic and passionate about publishing insightful articles on health and beauty topics.

Stress Management Techniques

The Best ways to Manage Stress and Enhance Well-Being

Stress is inevitable, but understanding its causes, symptoms, and coping strategies can empower individuals to manage it effectively. Whether stemming from work, relationships, or personal challenges, stress can impact both mental and physical health. Furthermore, this guide will explore the various types of stress, their origins, the symptoms they manifest, and practical ways to cope….

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immune system

7 Tips to Achieve a Strong Immune System

A robust immunity system is an asset that protects our body against harmful bacteria, pathogens, and viruses. Hence, strengthening our immune system reduces risk factors and improves our overall well-being. According to research evidence, some people are blessed with an improved immunity system, and their genetics play a pivotal role in boosting their overall immunity….

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