Naturally Improve Your Eyesight

Some Effective Tips to Improve Eyesight Naturally

In today’s fast-paced digital era, prioritizing eye health is essential. Constant exposure to various electronic goods often causes severe eyesight issues. Although some vision problems are age-related, specific vision problems occur at a young age. People with such poor visual health might require high-power glasses, lenses or other assistance.  However, some vision problems are so…

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OCD Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

OCD: Learn About OCD Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a popularly known anxiety disorder that affects people from every age category and causes significant interference with their regular life. This severe mental disorder is diagnosed by recurrence of thoughts (Obsession) & repetition of behaviors (Compulsion). Here, a patient engages in different unwanted & pointless thinking, leading to an excessive…

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Causes of Bad Breathing

8 Effective Tips to Cure and Causes of Bad Breathing Issues

Bad breathing is a stubborn health issue commonly known as Halitosis. According to the survey reports, over 1000 million people worldwide suffer from bad breathing issues that impact their self-esteem and cause lots of discomfort. Individuals with this bad breathing issue often feel excessively conscious while interacting with others, affecting their self-confidence and social behaviors….

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Social Anxiety

What is Social Anxiety? Learn About Its Symptoms, Causes & Cure

Social anxiety is a person’s tendency to feel over-anxious in any social setup. People with social anxiety often experience immense discomfort in social events. It’s not just about feeling nervous or worried in a social situation. Beyond nervousness, social anxiety usually produces severe symptoms like rapid heartbeat, over-sweating, excessive headache, trembling, and dizziness.  A person…

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