Impact of Physical Exercise on Sleep Quality and Sleep Disorder

Sleep Quality and Sleep Disorder

According to the research, good sleep contributes to a person’s overall well-being. However, several factors can impact your sleeping quality. Stress is one of those certain factors that interrupt your sleeping pattern. Research evidence has also proved that daily exercise can positively impact our sleeping patterns by reducing stress and anxiety.

Beyond stress and anxiety, physical exercise has some other significant benefits in improving our sleeping quality. Physical exercises can do wonders if done properly and regularly, from reducing daylight sleepiness to regulating body temperature while sleeping. Numerous research studies have established a positive correlation between physical exercise, sleep quality and sleep disorder.

How Does Physical Exercise Improve Sleep Quality?

There are lots of men and women who struggle every night to fall asleep. However, some medicines can make you sleepy faster. But this is a temporary solution. Also, some survey reports suggest taking medications every day to improve sleep quality and sleep disorders can be harmful and habit-forming.

So, instead of relying on those medications, one can look for natural remedies to improve their sleep quality. Physical exercise comes under those natural remedies that can positively impact your sleeping pattern. Here, we list some ways physical exercises improve our sleep quality.


Improves the production of melatonin:

Melatonin plays a pivotal role in improving our sleeping cycle. Research studies have established that enhancing melatonin production can promote REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. Physical exercises like running, jumping jacks, cycling, and brisk walking can positively impact your sleeping pattern. It’s best to exercise in the early morning to get the best result. 

Regular exercise releases Endorphin hormone:

The endorphin hormone can significantly improve your sleep quality. This hormone can induce a feeling of peace and pleasure, which eventually leads to better sleeping. 


Exercising daily can trigger the release of Endorphin hormones. Incorporating some aerobic exercises has a major impact on endorphin release. Even half an hour of aerobic sessions can speed up the release of Endorphin, which eliminates sleeping issues and makes you fall asleep faster.

Makes your body tired and more prone to sleepiness:

An hour of intense workout can make you fall asleep fast. According to a study report published in 2021, exercising intensely for an hour can make you enter the slow-wave sleep stage faster.

This is a stage where our body feels excessively tired and requires sleep immediately. Hence, exercising deeply for an hour can make you feel sleepy faster.

Reduces stress and anxiety:

Do you know why today’s huge population suffers from poor sleep quality and sleep disorders? The stress and anxieties activate your sympathetic nervous system and keep you awake till midnight.

Exercising can be an effective remedy to reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety. Engage yourself in some yoga that involves using every part of your body. Also, running and swimming can do wonders in reducing your stress level.

Eliminates the symptoms of Insomnia:

Insomnia is a commonly known sleeping disorder where people struggle with sleeping. Everyone who has Insomnia must exercise every day for at least one hour. This act will be a game-changer.

Exercises like long runs, high-intensity weight training, yoga, and aerobics can help you enter the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage faster. Such REM sleep eliminates the symptoms and possibilities of Insomnia.

What Exercises Must You Try to Fall Asleep Faster?

There are numerous exercises that can significantly improve your sleep quality and sleep disorder. All these exercises are safe to perform and produce quick and long-term results.

Aerobics exercise:

If you have Insomnia, you must include some aerobic exercises in your daily exercise routine. According to research reports, aerobic exercises help promote deep sleep.

If you are a beginner, we suggest you engage in some moderate aerobic exercises like biking, walking, fast dancing, swimming, and jogging. But remember to remain consistent, as consistency is the ultimate game changer.

Cardio workout:

The cardio workout works well for people with sleep disorders like Sleep Apnea. Incorporate a one-hour cardio session and see how it serves the purpose magically. 

Add easy-to-perform cardio exercises like Jumping jacks, treadmill running, cycling, high knee, and cross training. Remember to practice these exercises in the early morning to get the best effects. Such healthy practices will promote deep sleep and eliminate the symptoms of sleep disorders.


Yoga is best known for reducing stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that practicing yoga in the early morning rejuvenates the brain and mind.


A relaxed, peaceful mind is more conducive to healthy sleeping. Practicing yoga daily can help you deal with stress and anxiety and eventually improve your sleeping time and quality.

Stretching & breathing exercises:

Engage yourself in some easy stretching exercises. This will help to remove the muscle tension and make your body relaxed. And such a relaxed state often invites sleepiness.

Furthermore, you can also incorporate some breathing exercises to achieve a calmer state of mind. Practicing such breathing exercises can lower your blood pressure level, which has a significant positive impact on healthy sleeping.

What Time is Best for Physical Exercises?

Physical exercises aim to create great coordination between mind and body. Such a well-coordinated state helps one to achieve deep sleep. Furthermore, it also helps to eliminate symptoms of sleep disorders.

Now, many people question what time is best for engaging in such physical exercises and getting the most out of this exercise session.

Studies have shown that working out at 6 AM daily can improve your sleep quality and sleep disorder. Although many people choose the evening working session, you must prioritize working out in the early morning if you want a better and quicker result.

Final take

Whether you are trying to improve your sleeping pattern or aiming to deal with those stubborn sleepless nights, physical exercises can smoothen up your journey.

So, instead of relying on those sleeping pills with side effects, it’s better to engage in these physical exercises to achieve long-term b benefits.

Incorporating such workout sessions is not only about improving your sleep quality but also your overall lifestyle.