Vacuum therapy

8 Health Benefits of Vacuum Therapy That You Mightn’t Know Yet

Vacuum therapy is a nonsurgical procedure that contours your skin using advanced devices. Such devices often contain a suction cup, which makes the procedure safe and painless. People who want to reshape their bodies without involving invasion must try this vacuum treatment. It has many amazing benefits without causing pain or uncomfortable sensations. It tones…

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7 day GERD diet plan

What to Eat and What to Restrict: 7 day Gerd Diet Plan for You

Gerd stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. This chronic disease produces toxins and stomach acid directly flowing to the esophagus. Such a condition often causes excessive discomfort, like a painful sensation near the chest. It also causes trouble swallowing. Although some effective medicines are available to manage the symptoms of GERD, dietary and lifestyle changes can…

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