7 day GERD diet plan

What to Eat and What to Restrict: 7 day Gerd Diet Plan for You

Gerd stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. This chronic disease produces toxins and stomach acid directly flowing to the esophagus. Such a condition often causes excessive discomfort, like a painful sensation near the chest. It also causes trouble swallowing. Although some effective medicines are available to manage the symptoms of GERD, dietary and lifestyle changes can…

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healthy weight loss diet plan

8 Steps to Consider When Create a Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan

Preparing a healthy diet plan requires you to consider various factors. Remember, different individuals have different goals, requirements, and health conditions. Therefore, everyone needs a personalized diet plan. An individual with an overweight issue requires a healthy weight loss diet plan. On the other hand, an athlete who wants to beat their competitors might require…

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