Vеganism has grown in thе past dеcadе as morе and morе pеoplе havе bееn swayеd by hеalth, еnvironmеntal and еthical rеasons for choosing a plant basеd diеt. As thеrе arе sеvеral bеnеfits associatеd with еntеring into vеganism, considеring thе downsidеs would bе еqually important. This blog shall help you familiarize yourself with veganism and examine the pros and cons of being a vegan to understand better if this path suits you.
What is Veganism?
Sometimes, people confuse veganism with other non-meat diets. However, a vegan diet refers to a diet that excludes every animal product. Vegans are completely different from pescatarians, vegetarians, and even vegetarians. So, it is not just meat that vegans do not consume. They also do not eat eggs, fish, or any dairy products.

Additionally, veganism is different from other plant-based diets. It is more of a lifestyle with a set of beliefs than just consuming plant-based products. Most people go vegan because of their strong beliefs against animal cruelty and welfare. However, some people even adopt veganism for health and spiritual reasons. Overall, vegans prevent animal exploitation in all forms.
Furthermore, vegans think very deeply about the cruelty that happens in the meat, dairy, or any other animal product-based industry. Various industries depend on animals for their businesses, from animal rearing to poultry to beekeeping. So, vegans do not even consume honey, eggs, and cheese. Besides that, vegans do not play any role in the negative environmental impacts caused by livestock farming.
Pros of Being Vegan
There is a rise in the number of people adopting veganism globally. Here are some of the pros of being vegan:
1. Health Benefits
A wеll plannеd vеgan diеt is abundant in plant basеd foods such as fruits, vеgеtablеs, wholе grains, nuts, and sееds, all of which arе nutriеnt dеnsе, rich in fibеr and full of antioxidants. Vеgans, according to various researches, havе lowеr lеvеls of cholеstеrol, blood prеssurе, risks from hеart disеasеs, typе 2 diabеtеs and somе cancеrs.

2. Environmental Impact
This will hеlp еnsurе that thе dеcision to lеad a vеgan lifеstylе positivеly impacts thе еnvironmеnt. Animal agriculturе is rеsponsiblе for GHF еmissions, dеforеstation, and watеr contamination. The diet requires fewer resources, land and water — to create food compared to animal-based diets, so choosing veganism is paramount to sustaining life on Earth.
3. Ethical Reasons
Most people become vegan for ethical reasons. The inhumane treatment of animals during the factory farming process often drives this decision. By becoming a vegan, you deny industries that thrive on exploiting animals for food and other products and even serve as clothing. Veganism attempts to agree with the saying that animals should not be made to suffer or harmed for human benefit.
4. Animal Welfare
One of the biggest reasons why people adopt veganism is to be hostile to animal cruelty. Since vegans eliminate animal products from their meals and lifestyles, it helps to lower the slaughtering of animals. Besides that, it ends the abusive treatment of animals at slaughterhouses and farms. Moreover, they prioritize reducing inhumane practices at dairy and poultry farms and other animal farms and laboratories. These include separating young offspring from lactating mothers, poor hygiene, and many more.
5. Enhanced Weight Loss
People often link veganism with weight loss. A vegan diet includes fiber-rich foods that keep stomachs fuller for longer. Thus, it curbs hunger pangs. Also, it lowers the consumption of unhealthy fats that often stick to the body and shoots up the BMI. Additionally, plant-based diets improve gut health. Besides that, vegan meals help count calorie intake and watch what you consume. Therefore, picking up veganism can help you lose weight faster.

Cons of a Vegan Diet
The ups of veganism are loud and clear. However, there are certain downs too. We are not talking about nutrient deficiencies here. Neither do we mean the inconvenience of food while eating outside. Here are the cons of a vegan diet that people often do not discuss.
1. Nutrient Deficiencies
The first major issue with a vegan diet is the shortage of vital nutrients. Certain nutrients, such as vitamin B12, iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein, are hard to get through plant-based sources alone. In such cases, the vegan can easily be deficient in these key nutrients if not planned well, which could lead to the development of some health complications such as anemia due to a lack of iron, brittle bones, and drowsiness, which are associated with deficiencies of both calcium and iron.
2. Social and Cultural Issues
Socially and culturally, veganism often places a person in awkward situations, more so when the available options in plants are few. For example, one may find it hard to go out for dinner, attend social functions, or even visit some places where few vegan-friendly options will be available.
3. Cost and Accessibility
While most plant-based foods are affordable, some specialized vegan products can be more expensive than their animal-product counterparts. Specialty items like vegan meat, cheese, and dairy alternatives can become quite costly to live on. Access to fresh fruits and vegetables, other staples for vegans, is not great in some areas and makes it hard to get enough different food for a balanced diet.

4. Time to Get Used to
Changing to veganism does require time and effort, especially for those who are used to consuming a lot of animal products. It may mean learning new recipes, reading food labels more carefully, or finding suitable alternatives for dishes you like to eat.
Being a vegan has its pros and cons, and the decision to adopt this way of life is strictly personal. While there are obvious health, environmental, and ethical advantages, one also needs to consider the potential problems that might arise from nutritional deficiencies and social adversities. If you’re considering veganism, inform yourself and deliberate a varied diet; thereafter, find a community that shares your ideals for support.
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Vicky collaborates closely with doctors, scientists, and professionals in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Having worked with SBU Community Clinic in the USA, he is dynamic in writing and publishing health-related guest blogging services, offering valuable insights in the healthcare field.