anxiety disorder

Everything You Need to Know About Social Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety Disorder is a severe type of anxiety disorder that involves excessive discomfort and fear in social surroundings. A person with this disorder experiences intense anxiety and extreme fear in any social situation. And as a result, they desperately avoid social interactions. Individuals with social anxiety often experience symptoms like panic, Restlessness, rapid heartbeats,…

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Vitamins and Minerals

Which Vitamins and Minerals Are Essential for Overall Health

Vitamins and minerals are major contributors to improving overall health. Both of these nutrients offer multiple health benefits. Although your body receives some vitamins and minerals through everyday meals, we fear that’s not enough. Sometimes, your body requires more vitamins and minerals; unfortunately, your regular diet often fails to provide that. However, there are safe…

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benefits of Zinc supplements

Understanding the Benefits of Zinc Supplements for Our Overall Well-being

Zinc, one of the essential minerals, helps boost our immune system and protects our overall well-being. This trace mineral named Zinc may receive little attention like any other popular mineral; however, this mineral plays a very significant role in improving various physiological functions. Although our body gets a moderate amount of Zinc through our everyday…

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7 day GERD diet plan

What to Eat and What to Restrict: 7 day Gerd Diet Plan for You

Gerd stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. This chronic disease produces toxins and stomach acid directly flowing to the esophagus. Such a condition often causes excessive discomfort, like a painful sensation near the chest. It also causes trouble swallowing. Although some effective medicines are available to manage the symptoms of GERD, dietary and lifestyle changes can…

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